Tiger-Skin Green Peppers

Tiger-Skin Green Peppers

Tiger-Skin Green Peppers

Tiger-Skin Green Peppers

虎皮尖椒    hǔ pí jiān jiāo

This dish is called this because the frying method makes the skins of the peppers slightly winkled and golden in places, so they look striped like a tiger’s skin. After frying, the peppers are seasoned with salt and then dressed on the serving dish with a little aromatic vinegar, a delicious contrast to their rich, buttery flesh. Ordering this dish in a Sichuan restaurant is a bit of a gamble because you never know what kind of chili will be used- sometimes they are as sweet and mild as bell peppers, others so hot they’ll leave you gasping.
Serves 4 people with other dishes.

The Recipe


  • 3 kilos green bell peppers
  • 1 cup peanut oil
  • Salt to taste
  • 1-2 teaspoons dark vinegar


  1. Cut off the ends of peppers, and give them a good wash. Leave the seeds in if you like it to be spicy; other wise, you should discard. Cut on side, and use your thumb to remove the seeds.
  2. Heat the oil in a pan until it begins smokng. Add the peppers, and give it a star for about 5 or 6 minutes. Turn down the fire to medium. Keep pressing the peppers , so their skin can be fried well. Keep doing this until their flesh is tender and soft. Don’t cook it on too high a temperature or their skin will burn before you cook the peppers through.
  3. Add the salt and vinegar, and stir fry for 2 more minutes until everything is mixed well and tasted good. It’s ready to serve. The dish tastes good even when it’s cold.
  • vocabulary:

hú jiāo fěn

胡   椒   粉:             pepper                         n.hujiaofen

qīng jiāo
青     椒:               green pepper                 n.qingjiao
hóng là jiāo
红     辣 椒            red pepper                    n.honglajiao
huā  jiāo
花    椒                 Chinese red pepper       n.huajiao
huā shēng yóu
花     生      油        peanut oil                     n.huashengyou

醋                          vinegar                         n.cu
盐                          salt                              n.yan

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