Scrambled Eggs with Tomato

Scrambled Eggs with Tomato

Scrambled Eggs with Tomato

Scrambled egg with tomato is probably the most common dish that you can see on dinner tables in every family in China. This dish is seemingly simple, yet you will be amazed with how well the tomato compliments with the scrambled egg. Its delicious as well as visually appealing. If you haven’t tried this dish before, follow the simple recipe below and serve it from your own kitchen.

The Recipe


Tomato 3
Egg 6
Salt 3 teaspoon
Sugar 3 teaspoon (adjust to your own taste)
Corn flour 1.5 teaspoon
Water 2 tablespoon
Oil 4 teaspoon



  1. Mix and beat the eggs with the salt.
  2. Heat the frying pan and add 3 teaspoons of oil.
  3. Pour in the egg mixture prepared and scramble the eggs in the pan
  4. Put the scrambled eggs in a bowl

Tomato Sauce

  1. Cut the tomatoes in large chunks
  2. Mix the corn flour with 2 tablespoons of water
  3. Heat the flying pan and add 1 teaspoon of oil to the frying pan.
  4. Add in the tomato chunks.
  5. Heat it until you see water seeps out from the tomatoes.
  6. Add sugar and the corn flour mixture prepared in Step 2
  7. Heat it with constant stirring
  8. When you see the mixture starts boiling and the tomato has softened, add in the scrambled eggs.
  9. Stir it a little and it’s done


xī   hóng  shì
西   红     柿 Tomato n.
chǎo   dàn
炒      蛋 Scrambled egg v.

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