Traditional Chinese Painting

Traditional Chinese Painting

[showadl] Traditional Chinese painting is a combination in the same picture of the arts of poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal engraving. The Chinese painting is highly regarded throughout the world for its theory, expression, and techniques. The Chinese painting can be divided into two categories: the xieyi (water-ink painting) and the gongbi (coloured painting) ….

The Evolution of Chinese Art

The Evolution of Chinese Art

Chinese art has varied throughout its 5000 years of ancient history. Different forms of art have been influenced by the ruling Emperors, great philosophers, teachers, religious figures, political leaders based on its long history of different dynasties. The Shang dynasty was most remembered for bronze and noted for it’s clarity of detail. In early Imperial…

Green Bean Soup

Green Bean Soup

The preparation of making Green Bean Soup is simple. Boil the beans in water until they crack open and then add sugar. The beans should have cracked open, but should not be too mushy. The soup should also not be too watery or too sweet. To add variation: honey dew sago and/or pandan leaves to…