Water Boiled Fish

Water Boiled Fish

Water Boiled Fish 水煮鱼 shuǐ zhǔ yú This is a classic Chongqing dishes. Water Boiled Fish is a stew of sliced freshwater fish cooked in a seasoned broth covered with dried red chilies and Sichuan peppercorns. The stew is ladled over a bed of blanched yellow bean sprouts before serving. The words “water-boiled” are deceiving….

Fried Rice

Fried Rice

炒饭 chǎofàn Fried  rice Fried rice is a popular component of Chinese cuisine. It originated as a home dish from China around 4000 BC, made from cold leftover rice fried with other leftover ingredients. It is sometimes served as the penultimate dish in Chinese banquets (just before dessert). The Recipe Ingredients:(A) 6 tablespoons water 1…

Ma Po Tofu

Ma Po Tofu

Ma Po dou fu 麻婆豆腐 má pó dòu fu Pork-marked Mother Chen’s Tofu Ma po dou fu is named after the smallpox-scarred wife of a Qing Dynasty restaurateur. She is said to have prepared spicy, aromatic oily dish for laborers who laid down their loads of cooking oil to eat lunch on their way to…